Low Voltage Solutions


Sound Privacy
What is sound masking?
Sound masking is the “cover” portion of the equation. Sound masking is the addition of an unobtrusive background sound, similar to airflow, to reduce the intelligibility of human speech and reduce distractions. The resulting environment leads to greater productivity and increased privacy and comfort.
Industry Challenges
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) mandates how a healthcare provider is able to collect, store and use patient’s personal health information.
Hospital Medicare funding is now determined by the Value Based Purchasing Program and the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) Survey
Finance firms are required to protect their client’s personal financial information.$6.2 billion: Total losses in the United States from personal information theft and pretexting. $13,160: The average loss for each victim of personal financial information theft.
Firms across the United States are responsible for client losses from mistakes due to employee distraction.
Modern corporate offices use fewer sound absorbing materials (rugs, material partitions, etc.) in favor of reflective surfaces like metal, aluminum, glass and gypsum, contributing to unwanted noise reflections and buildup.
Workstations have shrunk from 8 ft x 8 ft to 6 ft x 6 ft (2.5 m x 2.5 m to 1.8 m x 1.8 m) and partitions have reduced from 66” to as low as 42” (168 cm to as low as 107 cm) in height.
More companies are seeking LEED certification and implementing “green” design and construction initiatives, which often reduce speech privacy
How effective is sound masking?
Increased Privacy
In a laboratory study between 2006 and 2008, researchers found that the addition of sound masking increased speech privacy from 35% to 90%.
Increased Performance
Researchers found that study participants had a nearly 10% improvement in their ability to recollect a series of numbers and words after the addition of sound masking.
Increased Productivity
In a 2008 survey, researchers found that workers lost an average of 21.5 minutes each day to conversational distractions.
Increased comfort
48% of survey respondents reported that conversational distractions were the leading cause of workplace discomfort.We proudly believe in and exclusively use the Cambridge Qt Quiet Technology Sound Masking Systems.
To learn more click here to go directly to Cambridge's website http://csmqt.com/